Healthy Book Boundaries
Action Steps & Resources For Moving All Sexually Explicit Material From The Minor's Section And The Children's Section, To The Adult Only Section of Corpus Christi's Public Libraries.
UPDATE - February 28, 2025 - PROTEST ON PAUSE
God's favor is evident through His blessing the actions of all who have participated in holding the City of Corpus Christi accountable resulting in a very positive chain of events. As a result, we are pausing our March 4th planned protest.
The City Manager and his staff have proposed an updated policy that is more in alignment with the September 2024 recommendations from the Library Board. This updated policy will be an agenda item at the next Library Board meeting on March 4th for discussion and a possible vote of approval by the Library Board.
Please continue to pray for all involved. Also, please show your support by making a public comment in favor of these changes.
Our goal is for the Corpus Christi City Manager, Mayor, and City Council to change the current public library policy to include the following:
Sexually explicit books shall be removed from the minor’s section of all libraries and moved to the adult section only.
Sexually explicit books shall no longer be added to the minor’s section of all libraries.
Parents have the option to decide if their children’s library cards will allow access to books in the adult section.​
Sacrifice some of your time and energy to help save our children from sexually explicit material. Join us at the next Library Board meeting on
Tuesday, March 4, 2025 from 10:00am to 11:30am.
The next meeting will be held at:
La Retama Central Library
805 Comanche, Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Click Here to download current Library Policy with proposed revisions.
Click Here to download list of sexually explicit books in minor's section of Libraries.
Click Here to challenge a Book or multiple Books - Download Request For Reconsideration Form.
Click Here for instructions for completing the Reconsideration Form.
Click Here for instructions - How to look up books.
Begin praying for those with the authority to change the policy.​ Click Here for sample prayer.​​
Carry signs, pray, and respectfully protest the current Library Board Policy asking that these changes be made on March 4th. Click Here for suggested wording for protest signs.​
Speak during public comment at the Library Board meeting on March 4th as to why you support these changes to the policy. Click Here for suggested Talking Points for Public Comment.​
Present one or more book challenges calling out a specific sexually explicit book and request that it be removed from the minor’s section of our libraries Click Here to download Library Reconsideration Form.​
Meet with, call, text, and email our City Manager, Mayor and City Council members requesting that these changes be made.
Click Here - PAUSED for easy access to pre-filled email template to all City representatives listed above.​
Click Here to download City Representatives contact information.
Corpus Christi, Texas Code of Ordinances
Sec. 33-46. - Same—Unlawful to give or deliver to a minor.
It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly give or deliver to a minor:
(1) Any picture, photograph, drawing, sculpture, motion picture film or similar visual representation or image of a person or a portion of the human body which depicts nudity, sexual conduct or sado-masochistic abuse and which is harmful to minors, or
(2) Any book, pamphlet, magazine, printed matter however reproduced, or sound recording which contains any matter enumerated in subsection (1) above, or explicit and detailed verbal descriptions or narrative accounts of sexual excitement, sexual conduct or sado-masochistic abuse and which, taken as a whole is harmful to minors.
Click Here for CCTX Code of Ordinances.
NIH Studies - PubMed (just a few - more available)
CITIZENS DEFENDING FREEDOM ~ Detailed Report ~ Assessing Age-appropriateness​
Should you have questions or need additional information
feel free to contact Shawn Flanagan directly.
(361) 728-4828